June 21st, 2004


Been awhile since I updated the page, not a whole lot going on. The work at the body shop is going well, slowly but well. Got the radiator re-cored and painted by my powder coat guy. It wasn’t powder coated since the heat of the process would melt the welds so he used liquid paint. Came out well.



Here are a few pics of the progress at the body shop. They had to cut the drivers side rear sheetmetal, where the dent was before, to bring the metal out a bit, wasnt exactly even

The bare metal spots you see are where they had to either pound it down or up to make the body perfectly even, no little dings or spots higher then the rest of the car.

They grinded down the corners of the window channel to make sure the window and molding will fit snug, no gaps

They put the light valence and lower valence on to make sure everything fits snug, did the same thing for the hood, trunk and doors.

So they are almost done with the body work, next is on to the filler guy who will make sure all the little grooves from the welding are smooth, along with the whole body….then off to paint.

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